Monday, November 30, 2009

Our Visit to Austin

On Thursday, the 12th of November we set off to the airport to visit Cameron's family in Austin, TX. We wanted to get in one more quick trip before we left for Germany. The kids and I flew down and met Cameron there (he was in FL for training).

The weather was perfect and we had a fabulous time. How great it was to see everyone. It was the calm before the storm for us and the first time we had seen Cameron in a month.

The girls had a really good time driving with Patricia (Nana) in Doug's convertible!

While we were there we got to see Jessica, who is married to Cyrus, and expecting a baby boy in January. It was so fun to see her pregnant! She looked fabulous and we got to feel the baby move. Here is Doug (Jefe) taking his turn!

On Saturday we went out to get something to eat and watch the Texas Longhorn's play. It was nice for Cameron to be in TX and watch the game. Texas played Baylor and won 47-14. Go Texas!

Cameron celebrated his birthday all alone in a hotel room while he was gone to Florida so on Saturday night, his Mom and the girls made a cake and frosted it so he could have an official birthday party. Very sweet!

On Sunday, we went to Cameron's Mimi's house and had a shower for Jessica and Holly, who is Cameron's cousin. Holly was due in December but ended up having the baby the next day. What a great day! What beautiful mom's to be!

Let me introduce Dr. Monkey.

When Cyrus graduated from medical school, we bought him a monkey that has the girls saying "mama called the doctor and the doctor said 'no more monkeys jumping on the bed". Dr. Monkey now has come to life and has written a series of autobiographical books. I have a feeling that Cyrus helps him with the typing, but otherwise, I know his stories are for real. Here is everyone hearing about Dr. Monkey's sailing trip!

We went to see The Christmas Carol in the IMAX. I wasn't sure I was going to like Jim Carrey as the Scrooge but I actually thought he did a remarkable job. I wish we could see it again I liked it that much!

On our last night we decided to decorate some ornaments for Catherine's Christmas tree. I am disappointed that I didn't get a picture of the finished product. Here are Ryder, Ashley and Catherine decorating their ornaments with the kids. Carter made one but I think it was after the picture!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Making Corn Bread

While the girls are home from school we have the opportunity to cook more. They are loving learning how to cook and need very little help making muffins or cookies. Here are a few pictures of the kids making corn muffins last week. We used Bob's Red Mill Organic 100% Stone Ground Whole Grain Cornmeal and followed the recipe on the back. It has been posted on the side bar if you'd like to try it! We ate it with Bonne Maman Wild Blueberry or Apricot Preserves.

Halloween 2009

I was Scrooge this year for Halloween. We are living in temporary living. I don't have a sewing machine. We didn't want the kids eating lots of partially- hydrogenated, artificially colored and chemically enhanced candy. So, with a the bribe of a room in a hotel with a pool and a visit to Build A Bear we created our own type of Halloween.

The kids dressed up their new friends:

We set up "houses" filled them with organic treats and fair trade chocolate, shut the lights out and went trick-or-treating:

Their Aunt Cat sent stickers, pencils and all sorts of great Halloween craft items. The kids loved it and made trick or treat bags for their animals:

She also sent wax lips:

We jumped on the bed and then the kids ate as much as they wanted of their Halloween treats:

We spent the next day swimming in the pool and visiting with my good friend, Polly.

Brooke informed me that it was the best Halloween she had ever had. Taylor asked if we could do it again next year. Dee was very, very happy.

Scrooge does always turn out well in the end doesn't he?
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